Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Portfolio - November 2010

My Portfolio for the month of November 2010.

Company Date of Purchase Puchase Price Market Price Gain/Loss
Ezion 7-May-07 $0.57 $0.665 17%
Aims Amp 29-Sep-10 $0.215 $0.220 2%
Innotek 1-Apr-10 $0.555 $0.530 -5%
Cambridge 14-Jul-10 $0.506 $0.535 6%
SP Austnet 12-Aug-10 $1.04 $1.130 8.6%
First Reit 29-Nov-10 $0.975 $0.985 1%

(1) SP Austnet XD on 24/11/10. Will be issuing AUD$0.05.
(2) And Aims Amp Reit XD on 09/11/10. Will be issuing SGD$0.003968.

(1) Bought Transpac on 08/11/10 @$2.19 and sold off at $2.24 for a quick trade.
As expected, the price dropped more than 41 cents after XD. However, did not expect Transpac to recover to 1.83 a few days after that.

(2) Successfully subscribed to 4lots of Cambridge Ind Trust under preferential shares.

(3) Bought more SP Austnet on 19/11/10.

(4) Bought First Reit on 29/11/10.

(1) Sold off main bulk of Ezion to fund purchase of First Reit at $0.665.

1 comment:

  1. I have made some corrections in the above posting.
    Let me know if anyone need more info on the corrections.
